Don’t Be The Disease: Managing Your Diabetes

Changing portions of your lifestyle can sometimes be challenging. Changing certain habits is a necessity if you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Here are a few ideas on how you too can cope with your diabetes.

The glycemic index is a number that reflects how much effect different foods have on your blood sugar level. Look for lower GI ratings if you struggle with diabetes.

Although childhood diabetes is uncommon, effective treatments are available. If your child has been diagnosed, you can get through it! These days, many people have diabetes, and treatments have improved so much that children with diabetes can live quite normally. The world’s oldest living diabetic has lived for 90 years and has been around since before the current medical advances.

If you suffer from diabetes, it is wise to undergo a test for sleep apnea as soon as you can. If sleep apnea is diagnosed and treated quickly, it won’t have a chance to negatively affect your health.

Make sure you always have gum or some other sugary snack on hand if you have hypoglycemia to worry about. It is vital to your well-being that you always stay prepared because your hypoglycemia can rear its head at any time. This is even more likely if you skip breakfast and need sugar in your system.

Using an online pharmacy instead of a brick-and-mortar one can help you stretch your dollar when purchasing diabetes medications. These stores also allow you to arrange for monthly deliveries of your drugs, so you never have to worry about running out.

There are a variety of cost efficient ways diabetics can lose weight, such a taking a jog or exercising at a playground. You can use the jungle gym to do chin ups, or use canned goods and bags of heavy things for weight lifting.

Hopefully, this article has provided you with new ideas on how to make managing your diabetes less of a chore. Apply these guidelines and take control of your condition as soon as possible.

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